Biyernes, Pebrero 27, 2015



4. As the information systems manager for a small manufacturing plant, you are responsible for anything relating to the use of information technology. A new inventory control system is being implemented to track the quality and movement of all finished products stored in a local warehouse. Each time a forklift operator moves a case of product, he or she must first scan the product identifier code on the case. The product information is captured, as is the day, time and forklift operator identification number. This data is transmitted over a local area network (LAN) to the inventory control computer, which then display information about the case and where it should be placed in the warehouse.
            The warehouse manager is excited about using case movement data to monitor worker productivity. He will be able to tell how many cases per shift each operator moves and he plans to use this data to provide performance feedback that could result in pay increases or termination. He has asked you if there are any potential problems with using the data in this manager and, if so, what should be done to avoid them. How would you respond?


In my opinion, if my manager asked if there are any potential problems using the data, I will just respond to him that every system is not perfect and there’s always be a little mistake to be take of. Sometimes, there are instances that the system will not meet the expectation of the users as well as the company. Also, the system may encounter a problem that should be check and fix by the creator or inventor of the system in the company.
In order to prevent or avoid that kind of problems, try to use the system very carefully and the system should have a manual be a back up if the system will be corrupt and try to understand the said manual in order for the problem to solve easily. It is the responsibility of the creator or the programmer of the system to maintain the capabilities of the system but then they deserved to be pay of by the company.
5. You have been asked to help develop a company policy on what should be done in the event of a data breach, such as unauthorized access to your firm’s customer database which contains some 1.5 million records. What sort of process would you used to develop such a policy? What resources would you call on?


            In this kind of state, If they asked to help develop a company policy on what should be done in the event of a data breach, such as unauthorized access to your firm’s customer database which contains some 1.5 million records then the only thing I want to do is to use the said policy which is just to protect the sensitive information of the company. The customers as well as the company’s can benefits about this matter.
            However, many breaches occur outside a company’s computer network, with lost or stolen laptops, discs, flash drives, and other portable storage devices accounting for a significant percentage of serious breaches. The company that you are working right now may needs to hire a public relations firm or a crisis response consultant for the possible damage control. We should repair the data breach problem and recovering lost or damaged data can be expensive and must be hired person who are experts about it and that would be the sources to be use of.

6.    You are a new brand manager for a product line of Coach Purses. You are considering purchasing customer data from a company that sells a large variety of women’s products online. In addition to providing a list of names, mailing addresses, and email addresses the data includes an approximate estimate of customer’s annual income based on the code in which they live, census data, and highest level of education achieved. You could use the estimate of annual income to identify likely purchasers of your high-end purses and use email addresses to send emails announcing the new product line and touting it’s many features. List the advantages and disadvantages of such a marketing strategy. Would you recommend this means of promotion in this instance? Why or why not?


For me as a new brand manager for the product line of a Coach Purses, I will suggest the means of promotion in this instance because in that instance the findings of the particular information of a customers are easily to identify with their names, mailing addresses, and email addresses and also the data includes an approximate estimate of customer’s annual income based on the code in which they live, census data, and highest level of education achieved. So I better recommend the said instance in order to make that transaction more valuable.

7. Your company is rolling out a training program to ensure that everyone is familiar with the company’s IT usage policy. As of the Human Resources department, you have been asked to develop a key piece of the training relating to why this policy is needed. What kind of concerns can you expect your audience to raise? How can you deal with the anticipated resistance to the policy?


The only concern in that situation is to have good performances for the employees of my company. This could be the way to success of our company, and this is a good policy especially if your company runs with technology.

8. You are the OPO of a midsized manufacturing company that has sales of more than $250 million per year and almost $50 million from online sales. You have been challenger.

Discussion Questions
1.    Should Apple conduct extensive screening of Apps before they are allowed to be sold the App Store? Why or why not?


Yes of course, the Apple should conduct an extensive screening of Apps before they allowed to be sold the App store because Apple is one of the greatest and hottest brand in this new generation and because of its high-quality standard, high definition and high valued they must be careful in the products before they sell/
            They should conduct an extensive screening of Apps because many people has a high expectation of Apple Apps because they already know that Apple is one of the best brand of the gadgets nowadays and Apple should meet the expectation of the users.

2.    Do research to determine the current status of the FCC investigation of Apple for banns use of the Adobe Flash software on devices that use the iOS operating system.


The flash it is under by the multimedia principles produced by the adobe flash that you can choose like adding video, animations and etc.
The brand Apple provides a suitable design to their investors or even in the customer that can have appropriate insights on the company or in their organization.

3.    What do you think of Apple’s guideline that says it will reject in app for any content or behaviour that they believe is over the line? Could such a statement be constructed as a violation of the developer’s freedom of speech? Why or Why not?

In my opinion, the guideline statements of the Apple Company are not constructed as violation of the developer’s freedom of speech because the said company was trying to fit their applications in their line and not over the line. Because of that, those applications that are over line must be rejected and for those application that is in the line is accepted by the Apple Company.
      The Apple Company just wants to maintain and ensure the capabilities and qualities of their products so that it will meet the expectation of the people most especially to the die hard customers. Therefore, the Apple Company guidelines is just concern with their applications for the users to be satisfy.